The Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade Publishes Dates for the Next Six Years – 2023 to 2028

Now everyone can plan their vacations early around Winterfest. The 52nd Annual Holiday Parade continues to encourage boaters and spectators to join their celebrations year after year. The website has added details for their 2023 events as well as a separate post listing the Parade dates from 2023 to 2028.

Mark your calendars for DECEMBER 16, 2023 with the Parade starting in the Downtown Area at 6:30 PM with a pre-show of non-motorized vessels at 6:00 p.m. The Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade will stage on the New River in downtown Fort Lauderdale, along the docks west of Stranahan House to the Broward Center for the Performing Arts.

The Parade starts in true procession at Stranahan House, traveling East along the New River in Fort Lauderdale to the Intracoastal Waterway and continues North to Lake Santa Barbara in Pompano Beach. It’s 12 Miles of the “Best Show on H20.” The Parade takes approximately 2 and 1/2 hours to view from one location (starting locations stagger as you travel north).

Private boats, giant showboats, and corporate megayachts will be adorned with hundreds of thousands of lights, music, entertainment, decorations, celebrities, musical groups, beauty queens, and many other exciting entries expected to be viewed by over one million spectators. A variety of hotel packages with Parade viewing are also listed on the site.

THE PARADES FOR 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028

  • DECEMBER 16, 2023
  • DECEMBER 14, 2024
  • DECEMBER 13, 2025
  • DECEMBER 12, 2026
  • DECEMBER 11, 2027
  • DECEMBER 9, 2028

Parade dates may change without notice – please check this page

Santa Showboat delivered by Amazon to Wow Parade Spectators for the Second Year in a Row

Winterfest, Inc., producers of the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade, recently secured Fabulous Inflatables and Brandano Displays to design the Santa Showboat for the second year in a row. This Parade entry will host Santa Claus during his quick visit to South Florida and the City of Fort Lauderdale on December 16, 2023. The Santa Showboat, delivered by Amazon, will also host nominees from the Winterfest Foundation Jr. Captain Contest. These children, ages 7-16, represent the services of nonprofit organizations in Broward County. Download our app for a complete list of all 100 entries in Winterfest.

For information on how your Broward County non-profit organization can nominate a child, visit and scroll down the Jr. Captain section to nominate.

Santa Showboat Delivered By Amazon on board Jungle Queen, boat number 100 in the 2022 Winterfest Boat Parade

Look for more Parade highlights in this Captain’s Log, including our floating concert entry.

2022 EyeOnSouthFlorida Digital Links

Links to the 2022 Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Digital interviews and event highlights captured by EyeOnSouthFlorida. To see current and past videos:

2022 INTERVIEWS during Winterfest Events:

2022 Winterfest Launch Party
2022 Winterfest Black Tie Ball
2022 Winterfest Grand Marshal Reception
2022 Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Parade Viewing at Riverside Hotel
2022 Raw Footage of the Parade Staging Area – Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade

Lights Camera Action Movies on Parade Winterfest 2019 – Celebrate the Holidays with Us

Lights, Camera, Action… Movies on Parade is the theme for the 2019 Parade on December 14th. The Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade is the “Greatest Show on H2O” with holiday floats that really float. Enjoy your Christmas on the Water or entertain guests on land. Winterfest has tickets for reserved Grandstands seats for only $25-$30 pp. Have a boat? You can enter your vessel for as little as $35 (private entry / no signage). Love to dance? Entertain clients, friends or colleagues with the purchase of a table of 10 at the Black Tie Ball start at only $3,000. Celebrate the holidays with Winterfest in beautiful South Florida and enjoy this holiday tradition which sails from Downtown Fort Lauderdale to Lake Santa Barbara in Pompano Beach. Call Winterfest, Inc. for all your Holiday Party needs 954-767-0686 or email us info @

Celebrate the Holidays with Winterfest Host a party at our Black Tie ball, on a boat, on shore. Call our offices for branded holiday party information.

2019 MISS FLORIDA USA® scheduled to be a part of the Winterfest Celebration

Miss Florida USA® Nicolette Jennings will be a part of the Winterfest Celebration for 2019. She is scheduled to attend the Winterfest White Party and will be on a showboat in the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade. More details to come as we get closer to the event.


Nicolette Jennings

Nicolette Jennings graduated cum laude from the University of Florida in four years with a B.S. degree in Telecommunications and an outside concentration in sports management.  While attending the University of Florida, she worked as a sports reporter and sports anchor at WUFT, a student-run on-campus news station, and a sports coordinator for ESPN 98.1 FM 850 AM WRUF.  She was Vice President of Membership, and President at Zeta Tau Alpha. 

This past fall Nicolette interned with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, in charge of producing live shows for social media outlets, interviewing players and coaches, creating and producing video stories about players and taking video of different game day events, including game action. 

Currently, Nicolette is working towards her master’s degree in sports management online at Texas A & M University.  Once she has graduated with her master’s degree, Nicolette wants to work for a professional sports team as a team reporter.  Nicolette’s ultimate career goal is to be a sideline reporter for a major sports network. 

When she is not studying for school, watching or playing sports, Nicolette enjoys relaxing on the beach, working out and volunteering.  Some of the charities for whom she enjoys volunteering are Claudia Meyer Foundation, Women with Purpose, Bright Pink, Children’s Miracle Network, Operation Gratitude, Our Military Kids and Junior Achievement.

taken from:

LINK:  Hair/MU by

Below Deck Star to Sail in Winterfest

2015 Celebrity Capt Lee @BelowDeck

‪#‎StudoftheSea‬ Bravo Star Capt Lee of Below Deck will be a celebrity in Winterfest on December 12, 2015. Capt Lee and his lovely wife, Maryanne, recently joined Winterfest board member Kim Bokamper, President & CEO Lisa Scott-Founds and David Founds for dinner to discuss details (Runway’s Vinnie also shown in photo). Cannot wait to see‪#‎CaptLR‬ ‪#‎RockTheWaterways‬ ‪#‎WinterfestSoFlo15‬

Captain’s Cup

The 2024 Captain’s Cup is In The History Books

Coming in 2024, this page will be updated with all the exciting details of our next Captain’s Cup.
We’ll see you then!

2024 Winterfest Captain's Cup

Winterfest celebrates parade participants and partners that make the year magical.

This wrap-up party recognizes parade entries, corporate sponsors, the board of directors, and Winterfest supporters. The Awards Dinner is decorated to the Parade’s theme with entertainment to compliment.

One lucky boater will win the People’s Choice Award.  By voting – you are saying thank you to those that went the extra mile to become a winner! Voters have the opportunity to win airline tickets (see rules).

Live entertainment, cocktails, full-course dinner, and more!

EVERY PARADE ENTRY receives two (2) complimentary tickets to the event. Additional tickets can be purchased for $40 per person (limited tickets available and must be purchased in advance).

RNDC Brand logos for 2022