Winterfest Flashback to 2020
“Home for the Holidays”
2020 brought the virtual world into primary focus for Winterfest events. During the pandemic, Story time with Santa, Letter for Santa, DIY Videos on cocktails, ornaments, baking and more became the highlights with the theme “Home for the Holidays.”
Winterfest spread the holiday cheer with a decorated vessel which traveled throughout Fort Lauderdale, decorating contests and “enter to win” opportunities.
Santa took a vacation prior to the holiday in Greater Fort Lauderdale with Winterfest and Visit Lauderdale able to capture all the excitement on video.
WSVN created a television recap of the “Best Show on H2O” with historic video and current highlights such as the Winterfest Foundation Jr. Captain, poster unveil and the Winterfest elves visiting hospitals in the area.
Virtual Parade with a television show (because of the pandemic)

Celebrity: Captain Lee (Bravo’s Below Deck)
Jr. Captain of the Parade: Dantonio Frazier Jr. – Jack & Jill Children’s Center

Poster Artist: Nick Scalzo

Ornament Designer: Pat Anderson

Boat Parade Chairman: Mark Swenson
Parade Enhancement: Britt Lanier
Chairman of the Board: Susan Renneisen
President/CEO: Lisa Scott-Founds
All videos produced by WSVN Channel 7 unless otherwise noted.
Winterfest is named Top Three of 100 events in South Florida by BizBash.

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