Winterfest Flashback to 2013
“Passport to Paradise“
2013 brought an entry by Radio Disney Miami which hosted celebrity Caroline Sunshine from “Shake It Up.” JM Lexus powered the Grand Marshal Showboat and Moet & Chandon brought bubbles to the Black Tie Ball.
The parade’s theme “Passport to Paradise” created visions of destinations around the world while blending the tropical beauty of South Florida.
Grand Marshals were Ryan Hunter-Reay Indy champ and Fort Lauderdale native and comedian Tracy Morgan.
Grand Marshals: Tracy Morgan and Ryan Hunter-Reay

Celebrity: Caroline Sunshine – Disney’s “Shake It Up”
Commodore: Gary Correll – Publix Super Markets

Jr. Captain of the Parade: Lauren Bendesky – “A Prom to Remember”
Belle of the Ball: Stacy Copeland – Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors

Poster Artist and Ornament Designer: Pat Anderson

Boat Parade Chairman: John Haley
Ball Chairs: Susan Renneisen & Lori Perlman
Shoreline / Student Art Chair: Rosalie Wheatley
Grandstand Chairman: David Greenberger
Control Boat Chairs: Jim Zimmerman
Ham Operator Chair: Robin Terrill
Dock Walker Chair: Mark Swenson
Parade Judges Chairman: David Mundy
VIP Area: Lisa Duke
Captain’s Cup (formerly Winner’s Circle) Chairman: Stacy Copeland
Carolyn McLaughlin Volunteer Spirits Award Winner: John Muir
Chairman of the Board: Kenneth A. Ortner
President/CEO: Lisa Scott-Founds
All videos produced by WSVN Channel 7 unless otherwise noted.
Winterfest Wins at FFEA Convention

2013 Press Releases (.doc and .pdf format)
YP and Winterfest Student Art Winners
Winner’s Circle Awards Winners February 25, 2013 to view the complete list of winners:
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