Winterfest Flashback to 1996

“By the Lights of the Silvery Moon”

Parade Theme: “By the Lights of the Silvery Moon” – 25th Anniversary


Grand Marshals: Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse

Poster Artist: Forsyth Agency

1996 Promotional Poster with Event Dates and Descriptions, Parade Poster and Sponsor Logos
1996 Promotional Poster with Event Dates and Descriptions, Parade Poster and Sponsor Logos

Boat Parade Chairman: Stacey Hallberg

Ball Chair: Martha Forsyth

President/Chairman of the Board: David K. Blattner

Executive Director: Lisa Scott

Marketing Director: Stephen Heard


The Parade officially become known as the Continental Airlines Boat Parade.

WSVN Channel 7 and Comcast Communications collaborate to provide WINTERFEST with an extravagant television program that is syndicated all over the world with an audience of 40 million viewers.

The Boat Parade showcases Fort Lauderdale’s own Olympic divers, Mary Ellen Clark and Jenny Keim.

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