Winterfest Flashback to 2008
“Rockin’ the Night Aweigh”
In 2008, “Rockin’ the Night Aweigh” theme saw the parade continue the staging area on the New River with the Judging Area at the Stranahan House. This traditional holiday event, scheduled December 13th, hosted pop diva Jules Burt as the poster artist, Grand Marshal Jim Belushi and Parade Commodore Jim Dunn.
The 3rd Annual Winterfest White Party featured delicacies by e-brands (Timpano’s and Samba Room) at the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Beach.
2008 also noted the addition of a concert element to the Winterfest Celebration with the Grand Marshal performing the night before the parade with his band Sacred Heart band.
Parade Theme: “Rockin’ the Night Aweigh”
Grand Marshal: Jim Belushi

Commodore: Jim Dunn – JM Lexus

Poster Artist: Jules Burt

Parade Ornament:

Boat Parade Chairman: John Haley
Ball Chairs: Susan Renneisen and Arlette Spaniak
Shoreline Chair: Rosalie Wheatley
Grandstand Chairman: Paul Kahn
Control Boat Chair: Shawn McNulty and Jim McKinley
Ham Operator Chair: Robin Terrill
Carolyn McLaughlin Volunteer Spirits Award Winner: Gigi Abels
Chairman of the Board: Gary Correll
President/CEO: Lisa Scott-Founds

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