I first wanted to start by saying I hope everyone is staying safe, hunkering down, and keeping a positive attitude during this extraordinary start to 2020. This virus has impacted and disrupted everyone’s way of life one way or another, and we all look forward to putting this behind us in the near future.
As many of you know, Winterfest is much more than a single day event. The overall experience of participating in the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade opens you up to some of the nicest, most entertaining, people we have here in South Florida. From the events leading up to the Parade in December, to the ongoing Winterfest happy hours, the parade experience for everyone is second to none.
Currently, we have had to postpone a few of our events and in-person meetings for April and May. We will continue to assess the situation for June and July. However, the Winterfest staff and volunteers are doing everything we can to continually enhance the Winterfest experience for everyone…albeit in remote fashion from our kitchen tables! We are updating our website with new content, reformatting it to make it easier for boaters to find information such as decorating ideas for this year’s theme (Masquerade on Parade…Dance and Song All Night Long), updating the Parade Manual, starting the permit process with City officials, and preparing our happy hours and events that lead up to our December 12th spectacle.
I have been impressed to see all the various acts of kindness during this period, and have no doubt our community will be stronger than ever and will rally around our annual South Florida tradition…the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade! This year’s event will be extra special given what everyone has gone through, and continuing to go through, here in South Florida. I appreciate more than ever the comradery of our Parade and the way it brings us all together. In the meantime please stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and practice social distancing. The Winterfest staff values your support and encourages you to reach out during this time with any questions, ideas, and/or social media links to share with our Winterfest followers. We are only a phone call, zoom meeting, or email away and we would love to hear from you!
I look forward to connecting with everyone again very soon!
Mark Swenson
Boat Parade Chairman
The Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade
Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade December 12, 2020
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