Screening process - You may be required to complete a form that will allow Winterfest, Inc. to perform back-round check, this may include
fingerprinting. Please bring a photo ID when you come to the Volunteer Office for your interview.
Undertaking to act in a responsible and safe manner - I hereby undertake and agree to act in a professional and safe manner at all times while
performing as a Winterfest, Inc. volunteer.
Photos - I hereby grant Winterfest, Inc. and persons acting on its behalf the unrestricted and perpetual right and permission, in respect to pictures or film footage that it, through its photographers and/or contractors, has taken of me or in which I may be included with others, to use, to publish, to
broadcast, and to authorize a third party to use, publish or broadcast the same in whole or part, in any and all media now or hereafter know, for the purpose of promoting volunteerism and/or Winterfest, Inc.